Netflix | Young Wallander

Young Wallander is a modern reimagination of one of the great classic detective IPs, known and loved by many around the world.

In a cross-functional campaign, we aimed to draw new fans in while keeping the existing ones on board.

Client: Me @ Netflix

Young Wallander is the formative story of young detective Kurt Wallander and the decisions he is forced to make on the job that not only shape his career, but his personality as well.

We captured this in the tagline:

Every case leaves its mark.

In the teaser we gave people a sneak peek into the world of Young Wallander, as well as what goes on in his mind when he closes his eyes.

In the trailer we dove deeper in the story, revealing more about the case, the political unrest and Wallander’s struggles to unravel the truth behind a gruesome murder in his own neighbourhood.

In partnership with a Swedish publishing house we inserted bilingual Young Wallander bookmarks in the Swedish reprint of ‘The Pyramid’ - a collection of early days Wallander stories.

The bookmarks contained Kurt’s written notes on a case that could be interpreted as featured in the book as well as on the show.

‘What was the victim doing in Rosengard in the first place? Was he lured there by someone?’

‘Was it an accidental fire, arson or a decoy?’

‘Call Mona in the morning!’

‘Is the murder linked to the protest?’